Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Playwright Does What?

Students must evaluate how tension is created,
Maintained and resolved in a drama.
Which one?
Oh, Othello, The Merchant of Venice, or Macbeth, Anything fitting our common core standards.
Which spelled it playwrite until corrected.

Students must compare elements of drama
also in film production such as
Catharsis, conflict, suspense, resolution.
Include directorial decisions, and the actors’ performances.
Students will evaluate dramas made into films such as Othello, The Merchant of Venice, or Macbeth.
They must understand how theme is developed and conveyed
How tension and conflict are presented,
The way in which transitions are made between scenes,
And setting.
And they shall evaluate dramas been made into films such as Othello, The Merchant of Venice, or Macbeth.
Include time progression and flashback
The way in which the director establishes a style
Via tone, irony, humor, and via con Dios.
Students explicate dramas made into films such as Othello, The Merchant of Venice, or Macbeth.
And suspense, dialogue, stage direction actors’ interaction, or special effects, the advantages of traditional staging with a live audience versus a film.
Provided your district has the mazuma, the cash, the gilt,
Or you’re in a cherry picking charter school.
Out, out, brief exam of 12 multiple choice and a
Extended, or brief response!
It is a tale told by data
Full of sound and fury and souls crunched by numbers.
Gilbert Sarabia

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